Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chileans Volcanoes


These pictures show Chileans volcanoes. In Chile there are more than 100 volcanoes which are constantly with Seismic activity and gas emanation. The landscapes are beautiful and that are found throughout the country. These are the Osorno Volcano and Villarrica Volcano, both are on the south of country. A couple months ago in the city of Temuco of Llaima Volcano was in eruptión and the goverment authorities had to evacuate the people who lived near the volcano. The volcanoes are part of the Chileans landscapes.

Good nigth everybody.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Southern Chile

These pictures are the southern my country. The first is the "Palafitos" in the Puerto Montt city, these homes are characteristics of this place, they are part of the folklore of my country. The people who live in these houses are work in small-scale fishing. The second picture is "Torres del Paine" in Magallanes city, these mountains are part of the Andes Mountains and this place is visited by a lot of turist from different countries. Acouple years ago a great fire destroyed much of the wildlife in the Torres del Paine. Besides I tell you what do in this place was found the skeleton of the world's bigest dinosaur the Argentinosaurus, it had a dimension similar to 30 elephants.
Good nigth everybody.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Landscapes of Chile

This pictures are of my country. The first picture is from The Andes Mountains seen from space. These mountains are really big and its landscapes are beautiful. We use always to see mountains, it is very different from New York landscapes. In Chile on the east side is the Andes mountains and the west side is the Pacific Ocean. The second picture is "La Laguna San Rafael" or The St. Rafael Lagoon, it is in the southern place of the my country and it is one of the last glaciers in the world. This lagoon is visited by many people from all over the world. The glacier is characterized by its beautiful calypso color. The turist who visited St. Rafael Lagoon drink wisky whit ice thousandth years ago of glacier.
Well, I hope you like this pictures.
Good night everybody.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm very tired


I'm sorry, I didn't write before but I'm very very busy because my days are hectic. My days are in the morning at 8:00 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. English class, at 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. I work in the collage and 5:00 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. I work in a restaurant. I have short time for my homework and write in the blog but today I write. Today in the night I see the lunar eclipse, it is very interesting is second time I see it in this country. now we have to wait for the next decade to see another lunar eclipse. As always I will show you the picture of my wife and son in our country.
Good night

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rapa Nui Island in Chile


This picture is Rapa Nui Island in the Pacific Ocean. This is Chilean Island located to 3.526 Km (2.186 miles) from coast's Chilean. In my country this island is named "Isla de Pascua". It is very special because in this place has 600 moais this are volcanic rocks scultures as shown in the picture. Rapa Nui Island is a oceanic mountain composed of three volcanoes their names are Maunga Terevaka, Poike and Rano Kau every names in the Rapa Nui native language of Island. The second picture is inside of crater volcano Rano Kau. I never went Rapa Nui Island but I know it is very beautiful place to visit in vacation.

I hope you enjoy this pictures.

Good night everybody

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Juan Fernandez Island


This picture is the Juan Fernández Island in the Pacific Ocean. This Island is Chilian territory. It is a beautiful island whit nice landscapes and big mountains. Juan Fernández has very good climate and abundat vegetation. The island has a coastal village and the people work fishing and lobsters exportation. This Island is known as Robinson Crusoe in honor of the English shipwrecked person Daniel Defoe who lived alone for 23 years in this place. This man history is in books and movies.

Well is very late and I need to sleep.

Good night everyody

Monday, February 4, 2008

Little History of Chile

This picture is when I was in the Police in my country. The old man in the middle of picture was the General Director and other people were Police Captains. From right to left I'm in the 6th place standing up.

The second picture is the Military Parade in commemoration of Chilean Army. The people in the left side is the General Augusto Pinochet, he was dictador for 17 years in Chile. I'm in the left side of the flag. Pinochet died last year. In Chile a lot of people agreed with Pinochet and other a lot of people disagreed. Afther this 17 years of dictadura Chile returned to Democracy.

These pictures has helped me to tell a little bit of the history of my country.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Perfect Storm


This picture was taken by my father-in -low during a storm in the boad where he works on the Pacific Ocean. It is a big factory fishing ship. This job is very dangerous but is very interesting for me.
They catch big amount off fish they put it in boxes and wen they get land it is taken to the company to be processed and export it to deferent countries.
This picture is similar to "The perfect storm movie" whit George Clooney.
The next time I will show you other interesting pictures.
Good bye. Sweet dreams everybody.