Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lying to Themselves

Today went we took the test I remembered went I studied in the University and everybody intent to copy. In that moment everybody created a lots different idea to do it. In that moment we didn’t have electronic things for example we didn’t have cell phone or text messages. I think that if we would have had I phone maybe somebody would have written the question and sent the message to a friend to receive the correct answer. This idea is only hypothetic because I think that anybody would do this in our own class. If somebody would do this really s/he only is lying to themselves. I think that it’s better learn step by step.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Few Days

A few days remain to finish this semester and come Christmas and New Year. In a few days the teacher will tell who passes to the next level and who should repeat it. I think the most important thing is to learn English language correctly. I've studied in the College for several semesters, but really this group of students has been the best. I wish you all good luck in the coming days remaining classes.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Human Clone

Today in the lab we talked about the possibility of human clone. It’s a very interesting topic. The last year I watched a Brazilian soap opera called “El Clon”. The story was very entertained. This soap opera is about of a clone, the original man didn’t know about him and both love same woman. The story is in Morocco and Brazil. Really it’s very interesting because it shows different cultures of occident and orient. I don’t write more about this soap opera but I recommend it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today the speeches were very good. The Colombian group had a very good presentation. The different places, climates, history and topographic were very interesting and the music and food were very good. The speeches of South Korea, Vietnam, India and Greece were very interesting because these countries have very different cultures to the South American cultures. I lament that the Vietnam map broke it was very beautiful. I hope that the next time when Eline remembers the Turkey people she doesn’t upset so much.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Santa Claus

Soon will be Christmas and everybody are preparing for this Holiday. The most important symbol of this holiday is Santa. He lives in the North Pole closed to New York. My son, my wife and I hope that Santa will visit own home the night of 24. The Christmas tree is ready and the house is decorated. I need put some lights on the outside of the house so Santa does not go over. For me this holiday is the most beautiful of the whole year. Christmas is much more beautiful in New York.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Traffic Ticket

Yesterday was a very bad day for me. When I was going to my job a police officer stopped me and gave me a ticket for disobeyed traffic control device. I need to go to Court to pay the ticket. I hope it’s not very expensive because in this month I have other costs for Christmas. I accept that I make a mistake and I must pay it. This ticket is the second one that I get in this country in two years. In my country I drove for 22 years and I had only a ticket. I hope I don’t have more ticket in the future.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday

The last “Black Friday” for some people it was a real black day. In Wal Mart of Valley Stream a worker dead when the human stampede entered in the store. I think that the offers are very good, but nothing justifies the killing of one person. I'm not willing to get a cold standing in line to buy something, unless it’s an imperative.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Today in Chile is taking the 25th Teleton. Every TV channels are organized and conducted a show that lasts 27 hours. During this time the Chilean people donate money to help children with physical disabilities. The creator of the Teleton Luis Mario Kreutzberger Blumenfeld is known as Don Francisco. He is a famous conductor who has a television program on TV for many years in Chile and the U.S. called Sabado Gigante. Since the first Teleton 30 years ago hospitals were built and have helped many children.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas comes soon

Today I had a good day. I got up after noon. Then we went to the house of some relatives. For the dinner we had turkey, cranberry sauce, mushroom, apple pie crispy, flan and all typical foods that the American people eat on this holiday. Then my wife, my son and I went to Manhattan. The streets are well lighted and with beautiful Christmas ornaments. Thanksgiving is over and now Christmas comes soon.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Women Soccer

During this month in Chile the Women's Soccer World Cup is being played. The women’s soccer has never been very popular in my country. Everytime this sport was considered only for men. Now that we have a woman president Chile World Cup was organized, the idea is to motivate girls to practice soccer. Unfortunately Chile’s team was eliminated in the first phase. Well we have to wait for the next sub-20 world cup to see if girls can win at least one game.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good Team

Obama is forming an excellent team for the next government. Hillary Clinton will be the next Secretary of State. I think it was a very good choice. Also Obama in his new Government team designated a lot of people who worked with the ex-President Bill Clinton. I think it will be a very good government. Everybody has great expectations for our President Obama.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

The last week I couldn’t write in the blog because I was very busy. This week I promise to write six times. I don’t know about what topic I will write because the news is very boring.
Well, this weekend we will celebrate Thanksgiving. My wife, my son and I will go to the relatives’ place in East Rockaway. This holiday is to be with family and rest. I hope the next Thursday and Friday I will get up later because we won’t have classes. Everybody is happy because the weekend is very long but the only ones that are unhappy are turkeys, who are frightened.
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Short Days

New York is the most important city in the world. My wife, my son and I like a lot to live here. But New York has something very bad, this is its climate. In summer it’s too hot and now in autumn and especially in the winter is very cold. Today at 4:30 PM was completely dark, the days are very short. Nothing to do. I hope that the summer come back soon.

Chrismas Time

Yesterday and today I listened to the radio 106.7 while I was working. I enjoyed listening the music because the radio station only played Christmas music. In general this music is very old and very beautiful. I do not know the names of the songs but the best were “Santa Claus is coming to town”, “Jingle Bells”, “White Christmas”, and many others. Christmas time is really the most beautiful season of the year. The stores windows in Manhattan are specially decorated during this season and the look very beautiful. Rockefeller Center and Central Park are places that are necessary to visit at Christmas time. I hope I will go this year with my family to these places.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Close Guantanamo

I think that is absolutely necessary to close Guantánamo. In the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp the Bush administration ignored human rights. Different countries around of the world say close Guantanamo. It is necessary that all prisoners have a fair judge. Maybe all they are really guilty of terrorist crimes and must pay their respective penalties. To have prisoners without judge is not acceptable.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I like the autumn because the leaves of the trees have different colors. When I go to the college I see the trees have such a beautiful color at both sides of the parkway. The mix of the green, brown, yellow and red in the trees makes them to look like a picture. In the beginning of the autumn the trees were green but with the passing of these days are changing colors to brown, red and yellow. The bad of autumn is that the days are becoming shorter and sunset is very early.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Elect Obama

I’m very happy because the president elect is Barack Obama. Obama won with the big gap over McCain. The Democrat party not only won with the president also they won in the Senate and the House of Representatives. The gap is very important because the citizens are unhappy with the actual government. Most people think a change in the country is necessary. When Republican said about Obama “He doesn’t have experience”, I thought that previous presidents had a lot of experience but everyday this country has more problems such as economics, war, immigration, health, social security and many others, the experience maybe isn’t useful in this government. I think that a fresh political system is necessary. For me the U.S. is the most important country in the world. I hope U.S. to be my country soon and the country of my children, my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren. I want the best for this country and I believe that Obama will be the best president.
God Bless America and President Obama.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Last Friday we celebrated Halloween. My son dressed up his custom in the school and every children walked by the neighborhood wearing their customs. In the afternoon my wife and my son dressed up their customs again and walked by the neighborhood with a couple of friends. They received many candies, and they enjoyed so much. For several years in my country people celebrate Halloween too and children walk around their neighborhoods and go from door to door shouting trick or treat same than here.
Actually this celebration is very special for kids.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Public Transportation

When we talked in class about the public transport in New York, I remembered that in my country two years ago the government implemented a new public transport system. The old system was a very bad and the new system is worse. Some popular places don’t have buses and the people walk a long distance to the first bus stop. The government injects money every time to improve this situation but they don’t have a solution. When I think that the public transport in New York is really good in special the train. The train is very comfortable. The subway runs entire the city and is very cheap. The bus is very good when you travel in Long Island. Really, the public transportation is very good in New York. Of course I don’t think that the public transportation in N.Y. is better than the new public transport that is shown in the picture. It’s is the future!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Family

Hello Marissa

Today I write about my family. My family is my wife Paula and my son Sebastian. My wife and I are married for 12 years. We came to this country two and half years ago. All our family is in Chile and we hope they come to visit us soon. My son is very happy in this country and he is fanatic of basketball. He plays everytime basketball at the school and at home. He goes to the elementary school and he is very good student. He learned English language very fast and now he prefers to listens the movies in English. I hope to learn soon English and continuing my studies in the University and validate my studies from Chile.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plumber or Crock?

Joe is the most famous plumber in America. He was invoked by McCain in the last debate. The last week Joe when all Medias were present asked to Obama “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” he told Mr. Obama. “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”. After McCain took this situation to criticize Obama's tax plan in the last debate. Now in The New York Times said the Joe’s story is false. He had never held a plumber’s license. Also the company has only two employees and the income is less than to $ 250,000. I think that everything was planned by the Republicans people. For me Joe is a crock.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Big Fish

When I wrote in my blog about some movies I forgot an excellent movie. This movie is “Big Fish”. The first time I watched this movie was in class. After I went to the library in my town and I borrowed it. In my house I watched it 6 o 7 times because it’s very good. It’s a beautiful story. My wife said that it is good. This means that it is really a very good movie because my wife almost never watches an entire movie and she never says “this movie is good”, it’s an exception. I won’t talk more about “The Big Fish” movie because I hope we watch in class. The main actor is Ewan McGregor the same actor who is Obi-Wan-Kenoby in The Start Wars movie other of my favorite movies.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Lost Day

Yesterday when Elaine said “Tomorrow we won’t have class” I thought it is very good. I thought I will take the day to do my homework and rest. Yesterday in at night all my plans for today were unsuccessful because my car had mechanical failures. Today in the morning I went to the mechanic to repair my car. I thought it would be fast but this was very slow and it took 6 hours. Went the mechanical ended I went to work. Really I lost the day. Now, I'm writing the blog and listening to the final presidential debate. My son recorded the debate for I see this.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am Legend

A few days ago I saw the movie “I am legend”. The actor is Will Smith and the story is in New York City. The movie isn’t so good but is interesting to see New York City with no people. My son said the movie was good but the ending was very sad. I like to wash movies, my favorites are the “Sci Fi” for example Star War I to VI, I robot, Independence Day, Max Mad, The Mummy, The X Files, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and others. Also I like all James Bond movies. I like the light movies because I think that the movies are an entertainment. My favorite actor is Sean Connery. Really I like all movies of Sean Connery for example The Rock, From Russia whit Love, Murder on the Orient Express, The Name of the Rose, The Russia House, Medicine Man and many more. I recommend that you will wash these movies.
Good night.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Discovery or Invasion

The next Sunday October 12th we will celebrate Columbus Day. Today I thought if really Columbus discovered America. It is because I remembered the last vocabulary homework specially the word “Discovery” that said “Finding something that nobody knew about before”. Also I remembered that when Columbus arrived to Guanahani Island people already lived over there. According to the discovery definition Columbus didn’t discover America because it was already discovered by the native people. Also I read the definition of to “invade” that means “to enter a place using military force”. I think that this definition is more similar to occurred in October 12, 1492. It was a invasion. I hope that never a force of the other planet will discover the earth haw Columbus discovered America 516 year ago.

Happy Columbus Day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I don´t have ideas

Today I don’t know what to write. My mind is off. I feel similar to Robert De Niro in the movie that we washed in class. I’m very tired. Maybe tomorrow I will have more ideas for next blogs. Today was a very long day because after the class I went to my job and I finished a few minutes ago. My goal for tomorrow is to rest and to get back all my energy. Now I will eat a little bit of chocolate ice cream and will go to sleep.
I show a picture of Manhattan at night. I like N.Y. City.
Have a good day off.

Friday, October 3, 2008

We need a change

Today in the lab I saw several advertising of the candidates Obama and McCain. Both attack each other. But I think that Obama is better. I think that McCain is very similar to Busch. The current administration is worry about the war, it spends a lot of money in this war and doesn’t see that this produce big problem in the economy in this country. The government should worry in the peace. In the future when we don’t have energy, ozone in the atmosphere or the oceans cover some important cities, we will remember this government as the worst. We need a change.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Economic Crisis

The economic crisis of the country is really serious. On last Monday the recent past Daw Jones marked his lowest point since the crisis of the 30s' to decline in more than 770 points. Luckily on Tuesday, rose by 500 points. This allowed to recover in part what was lost the day before. But the economic crisis continues and we do not know when it's going to get up. The crisis in USA not only affect this country, it also affects the whole world. We must think that the globalization helps in many aspects, but also affects many situations like this one when it occurs. We hope that this situation gets better and we all have a better life.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A quiet day.

For long time I did not have a full day off. Yesterday was a very quiet day. I got up late and in the afternoon I with my wife and son went to shopping. After we have dinner and we go to bed early. It really was a day of rest. Now I have to go back again to the reality of work and study.
I see you tomorrow.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The best class

I have been in several classes in NCC but this is the best. I think is very important for us that everybody in the class are interested in learn. It permittes us really to learn. Other important aspect is that we only speak in English when we are inside the classroom, especially Latin people who are the majority.
Also I think that Elaine is a very good teacher. She is strict, not much, but it’s the only way to learn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New York City "The city that never sleeps"


Yesterday I published two pictures from Brooklyn Bridge. Today I publish two pictures taken from Empire State by my friend Francisco Solis Carpenter. I think these pictures are very beautiful. Francisco and I went together to high school long time ago. Now he and his wife are vacation in EE.UU. The last week they visited Quebec and Montreal in Canada. Yesterday they went to Washington D.C. and returned today at night. They will come back to Chile the next weekend. I don’t have doubt that you will like these pictures. Maybe next month my wife, my son and I will go to the Empire State Building because I want take pictures from this place.
I see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

From Brooklyn Bridge

The last Saturday at nigth my friends, my wife, my son and I went to Manhattan. We walked in the Brooklyn Bridge. It was the first time we walked in a bridge in New York. It was very nice because the landscape of New York City at night was spectacular. After, we went to others places in Manhattan but the best landscape was to bridge. Also we taked others pictures from the bridge. These pictures I will publish in the next blogs.
I see you tomorrow.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nacional Day of Chile


Yesterday was celebrated National Day in my country. Throughout the weekend chilean people will have celebrations in Chile. In these festivals people eat typical food, empanadas, anticuchos, asados, curanto, chapaleles, mote con huesillos, etc. In some places they will make a special constructions for people to dance, eat and drink. Today was the military parade. I participated in 1986 and 1987 at the Military Parade when Agusto Pinochet was president. The picture shows to Pinochet at the left side and I'm at the right side of the flag.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Desert of Atacama


In previous blog I wrote about Islands and places in the southern of my country. Now I'm showing you a picture of northern Chile. The Desert of Atacama in Chile is one of the driest deserts in the world. Its scenery is really beautiful. The hills have different colors. In some places there geiser and volcanoes. It is very visited by tourists from different countries. Now I'm going to prepare my homework. Good evening everyone.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A day very heavy.


Yesterday for me was a very heavy day. After of class I went to the writing center. After of the writing center I went to work until 10:30 pm. In the nigth, when I came back to my house were my friends who had arrived from their travel to Canada. We were talking until 2 am. After that time I began started to do my homeworks and I finished them at 3 am. Today in the morning when I got up to 6:30 a.m. I was very tired. Afternoon my friends and I visited Long Beach and we went to shop to DWS. In this store Xavier served us very well. Thank you very much.
Now I need rewrite my homework.
Good Night. I see you tomorrow at 8 am.

Friday, September 12, 2008

9 11 In Chile and EE.UU.

La Moneda House's Government of Chile.
In September 11th is a date of commemoration for Chile and for USA. In September 11th, 1973 in Chile occurred a military coup. In this military coup the president Salvador Allende committed suicide and assumed Agusto Pinochet the government for about 20 years. From that day and the next months and years around 2500 people died. Some bodies are not yet found. Now Chile has a democratic government.
In September 11th, 2001 I was working in my office and I was listening news on the radio when warn about of the first airplane that crashed into the tower. Then I went another room and I watched on the TV when the second airplane crashed into the second tower. Everybody who were watched the TV couldn’t believe what was happening. We thought that this was a movie, and then we thought that this was the attack by another country. When the towers collapsed was something very terrible. All the people of my country were very sad and concerned about what had happened in the USA. When we visited the first time the World Trade Center in February 2006 we had a stranger feeling.
I hope this never happens.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008



In reference of today's topic in class about the president election. In my country in sept. 11th., 1973 the Army, Navy and Police derrocated to the president. It was produced for serius conflicts, a very bad economic and others big problems inside of the country. This new government stayed 18 years. During this time the people doesn't talk about of the politic. In 1991 my country come back to the democraci. Now the Democraci is the sistem of the goverment. For two years ago Chile has a first woman President in its story.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Remember Mountains


Today in class when we were listening to the CD with the woman who climbed to the summit of a mountain. I remember how many times I went to the Andes Mountains in Chile. This Mountains is the longest in the world and has the Aconcagua Mount which is the highest mountain in the American Continent and it is one of the highest in the world. It is only surpassed by the Himalayas Mountains. Aconcagua Mount is estimated that was created about two hundred million years ago. It has an elevation from sea level to 6,962 meters. Unfortunately I never went to the Aconcagua. But when I studied geology in the University I went to a sector of the Andes Mountains called Termas del Flaco. Here you can see perfectly the fosil footprints of two or three dinosaurs. These fosil footprints are more than one hundred million years old.
The first picture is the Termas del Flaco and the second picture is my wife and my son in the Andes Mountains close to the Santiago City.
I hope you enjoy these pictures.
I see you tomorrow.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A day very busy.


Today I can't to go to the class because I will have to go to the doctor (dermatologist). For me today will be a very busy because in the morning I go to the doctor, in the afternoon I go to work and at night I go to JFK airport to find a friend and his wife. They come from Chile on vacation.
My friend and I studied together in high school 30 years ago. I am very happy that they visit us in the U.S. they are also the first visits we received since we arrived here.

I see you next week.

Goodnight my friends.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Immigrants like myself


This picture is very old. It shows to my great-grandfather and some of his family. This picture is very special for me because it was published in a newspaper in my home town in tribute to the immigrants. My great-grandfather and my grandfather were immigrants like myself. They came from Spain to Chile at the beginning of the last century. Now that I am in a different country than mine I think a lot about them. I think it is very difficult to be an immigrant and even in a country with a different language but I think it's worth at least try turn this country in my country as well as my ancestors did.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Concepción City my City

These pictures show Concepción city and part of the University of Concepción at night. I was born in this city and I studied in this Univeristy. Concepción city is the second largest city in Chile. The main activities in this city are the factories and universities. Concepción was founded by spanish Pedro de Valdivia on October 5th, 1550. This city was destroyed by a tsunami in 1552 and rebuilt at its current location. Next to the city is the Bio Bio river and the Pacific Ocean. This city is sorrounded by mountains. Currently my parents in law and a sister in law are living in this city.
Concepción city is a beautiful place.
Good nigth everybody.

Chile's Antartic


The pictures show that penguins are birds typical of the Antartic Continent. Also show the Chilean O'higgins Base. This base is built on the edge of the Antartic Continent, at this place scientists and military live with their families. There is a school to educate children who live in that place. Two o three years ago was born the first baby in this base. Many Chileans geologists and of other countries visit the Antartic Continent with scientific purposes. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to visit this interesting and unknown continent.

Now I go to my bed. Good night everybody.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chileans Volcanoes


These pictures show Chileans volcanoes. In Chile there are more than 100 volcanoes which are constantly with Seismic activity and gas emanation. The landscapes are beautiful and that are found throughout the country. These are the Osorno Volcano and Villarrica Volcano, both are on the south of country. A couple months ago in the city of Temuco of Llaima Volcano was in eruptión and the goverment authorities had to evacuate the people who lived near the volcano. The volcanoes are part of the Chileans landscapes.

Good nigth everybody.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Southern Chile

These pictures are the southern my country. The first is the "Palafitos" in the Puerto Montt city, these homes are characteristics of this place, they are part of the folklore of my country. The people who live in these houses are work in small-scale fishing. The second picture is "Torres del Paine" in Magallanes city, these mountains are part of the Andes Mountains and this place is visited by a lot of turist from different countries. Acouple years ago a great fire destroyed much of the wildlife in the Torres del Paine. Besides I tell you what do in this place was found the skeleton of the world's bigest dinosaur the Argentinosaurus, it had a dimension similar to 30 elephants.
Good nigth everybody.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Landscapes of Chile

This pictures are of my country. The first picture is from The Andes Mountains seen from space. These mountains are really big and its landscapes are beautiful. We use always to see mountains, it is very different from New York landscapes. In Chile on the east side is the Andes mountains and the west side is the Pacific Ocean. The second picture is "La Laguna San Rafael" or The St. Rafael Lagoon, it is in the southern place of the my country and it is one of the last glaciers in the world. This lagoon is visited by many people from all over the world. The glacier is characterized by its beautiful calypso color. The turist who visited St. Rafael Lagoon drink wisky whit ice thousandth years ago of glacier.
Well, I hope you like this pictures.
Good night everybody.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm very tired


I'm sorry, I didn't write before but I'm very very busy because my days are hectic. My days are in the morning at 8:00 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. English class, at 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. I work in the collage and 5:00 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. I work in a restaurant. I have short time for my homework and write in the blog but today I write. Today in the night I see the lunar eclipse, it is very interesting is second time I see it in this country. now we have to wait for the next decade to see another lunar eclipse. As always I will show you the picture of my wife and son in our country.
Good night

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rapa Nui Island in Chile


This picture is Rapa Nui Island in the Pacific Ocean. This is Chilean Island located to 3.526 Km (2.186 miles) from coast's Chilean. In my country this island is named "Isla de Pascua". It is very special because in this place has 600 moais this are volcanic rocks scultures as shown in the picture. Rapa Nui Island is a oceanic mountain composed of three volcanoes their names are Maunga Terevaka, Poike and Rano Kau every names in the Rapa Nui native language of Island. The second picture is inside of crater volcano Rano Kau. I never went Rapa Nui Island but I know it is very beautiful place to visit in vacation.

I hope you enjoy this pictures.

Good night everybody