Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Traffic Ticket

Yesterday was a very bad day for me. When I was going to my job a police officer stopped me and gave me a ticket for disobeyed traffic control device. I need to go to Court to pay the ticket. I hope it’s not very expensive because in this month I have other costs for Christmas. I accept that I make a mistake and I must pay it. This ticket is the second one that I get in this country in two years. In my country I drove for 22 years and I had only a ticket. I hope I don’t have more ticket in the future.


MARISSA said...

I'm sorry you got a ticket. I have never gotten a ticket which is amazing considering how many years I've had a license. I guess I've been lucky.

Elaine Soffer said...

Now you know you're a real New Yorker -- you can complain about traffic tickets!