Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New York City "The city that never sleeps"


Yesterday I published two pictures from Brooklyn Bridge. Today I publish two pictures taken from Empire State by my friend Francisco Solis Carpenter. I think these pictures are very beautiful. Francisco and I went together to high school long time ago. Now he and his wife are vacation in EE.UU. The last week they visited Quebec and Montreal in Canada. Yesterday they went to Washington D.C. and returned today at night. They will come back to Chile the next weekend. I don’t have doubt that you will like these pictures. Maybe next month my wife, my son and I will go to the Empire State Building because I want take pictures from this place.
I see you tomorrow.


Elaine Soffer said...

These pictures are gorgeous! Thank your friend for us. Will you be sad when he leaves to return to Chile?

eynat said...

ander thank you very much for your present it was very very very nice of you. i was very surprised and it made me feel very good. you are amaizing!!!
and buy the way the pictures are beautifull.