Friday, September 12, 2008

9 11 In Chile and EE.UU.

La Moneda House's Government of Chile.
In September 11th is a date of commemoration for Chile and for USA. In September 11th, 1973 in Chile occurred a military coup. In this military coup the president Salvador Allende committed suicide and assumed Agusto Pinochet the government for about 20 years. From that day and the next months and years around 2500 people died. Some bodies are not yet found. Now Chile has a democratic government.
In September 11th, 2001 I was working in my office and I was listening news on the radio when warn about of the first airplane that crashed into the tower. Then I went another room and I watched on the TV when the second airplane crashed into the second tower. Everybody who were watched the TV couldn’t believe what was happening. We thought that this was a movie, and then we thought that this was the attack by another country. When the towers collapsed was something very terrible. All the people of my country were very sad and concerned about what had happened in the USA. When we visited the first time the World Trade Center in February 2006 we had a stranger feeling.
I hope this never happens.


ROSA said...

yea andres it was so terrible...
you know some times I just can not understand why people do thing like that...

Elaine Soffer said...

What a coincidence that Allende died on the same day! September 11seems to be cursed.

Even though the attach on the World Trade Center was 7 years ago, I still get so teary when I think of it. I can't imagine what the families of the victims must still feel.