Sunday, March 2, 2008

Concepción City my City

These pictures show Concepción city and part of the University of Concepción at night. I was born in this city and I studied in this Univeristy. Concepción city is the second largest city in Chile. The main activities in this city are the factories and universities. Concepción was founded by spanish Pedro de Valdivia on October 5th, 1550. This city was destroyed by a tsunami in 1552 and rebuilt at its current location. Next to the city is the Bio Bio river and the Pacific Ocean. This city is sorrounded by mountains. Currently my parents in law and a sister in law are living in this city.
Concepción city is a beautiful place.
Good nigth everybody.

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

I've never heard of Concepcion, so thank you for introducing it to all of us. It does look beautiful. After you finished your university, did you move out of the city? Where did you go? Is the city worried about a tsunami in the future? I guess you've gone almost 500 years without one, so hopefully, you're safe.