Thursday, October 30, 2008

Public Transportation

When we talked in class about the public transport in New York, I remembered that in my country two years ago the government implemented a new public transport system. The old system was a very bad and the new system is worse. Some popular places don’t have buses and the people walk a long distance to the first bus stop. The government injects money every time to improve this situation but they don’t have a solution. When I think that the public transport in New York is really good in special the train. The train is very comfortable. The subway runs entire the city and is very cheap. The bus is very good when you travel in Long Island. Really, the public transportation is very good in New York. Of course I don’t think that the public transportation in N.Y. is better than the new public transport that is shown in the picture. It’s is the future!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Family

Hello Marissa

Today I write about my family. My family is my wife Paula and my son Sebastian. My wife and I are married for 12 years. We came to this country two and half years ago. All our family is in Chile and we hope they come to visit us soon. My son is very happy in this country and he is fanatic of basketball. He plays everytime basketball at the school and at home. He goes to the elementary school and he is very good student. He learned English language very fast and now he prefers to listens the movies in English. I hope to learn soon English and continuing my studies in the University and validate my studies from Chile.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plumber or Crock?

Joe is the most famous plumber in America. He was invoked by McCain in the last debate. The last week Joe when all Medias were present asked to Obama “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” he told Mr. Obama. “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”. After McCain took this situation to criticize Obama's tax plan in the last debate. Now in The New York Times said the Joe’s story is false. He had never held a plumber’s license. Also the company has only two employees and the income is less than to $ 250,000. I think that everything was planned by the Republicans people. For me Joe is a crock.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Big Fish

When I wrote in my blog about some movies I forgot an excellent movie. This movie is “Big Fish”. The first time I watched this movie was in class. After I went to the library in my town and I borrowed it. In my house I watched it 6 o 7 times because it’s very good. It’s a beautiful story. My wife said that it is good. This means that it is really a very good movie because my wife almost never watches an entire movie and she never says “this movie is good”, it’s an exception. I won’t talk more about “The Big Fish” movie because I hope we watch in class. The main actor is Ewan McGregor the same actor who is Obi-Wan-Kenoby in The Start Wars movie other of my favorite movies.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Lost Day

Yesterday when Elaine said “Tomorrow we won’t have class” I thought it is very good. I thought I will take the day to do my homework and rest. Yesterday in at night all my plans for today were unsuccessful because my car had mechanical failures. Today in the morning I went to the mechanic to repair my car. I thought it would be fast but this was very slow and it took 6 hours. Went the mechanical ended I went to work. Really I lost the day. Now, I'm writing the blog and listening to the final presidential debate. My son recorded the debate for I see this.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am Legend

A few days ago I saw the movie “I am legend”. The actor is Will Smith and the story is in New York City. The movie isn’t so good but is interesting to see New York City with no people. My son said the movie was good but the ending was very sad. I like to wash movies, my favorites are the “Sci Fi” for example Star War I to VI, I robot, Independence Day, Max Mad, The Mummy, The X Files, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and others. Also I like all James Bond movies. I like the light movies because I think that the movies are an entertainment. My favorite actor is Sean Connery. Really I like all movies of Sean Connery for example The Rock, From Russia whit Love, Murder on the Orient Express, The Name of the Rose, The Russia House, Medicine Man and many more. I recommend that you will wash these movies.
Good night.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Discovery or Invasion

The next Sunday October 12th we will celebrate Columbus Day. Today I thought if really Columbus discovered America. It is because I remembered the last vocabulary homework specially the word “Discovery” that said “Finding something that nobody knew about before”. Also I remembered that when Columbus arrived to Guanahani Island people already lived over there. According to the discovery definition Columbus didn’t discover America because it was already discovered by the native people. Also I read the definition of to “invade” that means “to enter a place using military force”. I think that this definition is more similar to occurred in October 12, 1492. It was a invasion. I hope that never a force of the other planet will discover the earth haw Columbus discovered America 516 year ago.

Happy Columbus Day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I don´t have ideas

Today I don’t know what to write. My mind is off. I feel similar to Robert De Niro in the movie that we washed in class. I’m very tired. Maybe tomorrow I will have more ideas for next blogs. Today was a very long day because after the class I went to my job and I finished a few minutes ago. My goal for tomorrow is to rest and to get back all my energy. Now I will eat a little bit of chocolate ice cream and will go to sleep.
I show a picture of Manhattan at night. I like N.Y. City.
Have a good day off.

Friday, October 3, 2008

We need a change

Today in the lab I saw several advertising of the candidates Obama and McCain. Both attack each other. But I think that Obama is better. I think that McCain is very similar to Busch. The current administration is worry about the war, it spends a lot of money in this war and doesn’t see that this produce big problem in the economy in this country. The government should worry in the peace. In the future when we don’t have energy, ozone in the atmosphere or the oceans cover some important cities, we will remember this government as the worst. We need a change.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Economic Crisis

The economic crisis of the country is really serious. On last Monday the recent past Daw Jones marked his lowest point since the crisis of the 30s' to decline in more than 770 points. Luckily on Tuesday, rose by 500 points. This allowed to recover in part what was lost the day before. But the economic crisis continues and we do not know when it's going to get up. The crisis in USA not only affect this country, it also affects the whole world. We must think that the globalization helps in many aspects, but also affects many situations like this one when it occurs. We hope that this situation gets better and we all have a better life.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A quiet day.

For long time I did not have a full day off. Yesterday was a very quiet day. I got up late and in the afternoon I with my wife and son went to shopping. After we have dinner and we go to bed early. It really was a day of rest. Now I have to go back again to the reality of work and study.
I see you tomorrow.