Thursday, September 25, 2008

The best class

I have been in several classes in NCC but this is the best. I think is very important for us that everybody in the class are interested in learn. It permittes us really to learn. Other important aspect is that we only speak in English when we are inside the classroom, especially Latin people who are the majority.
Also I think that Elaine is a very good teacher. She is strict, not much, but it’s the only way to learn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New York City "The city that never sleeps"


Yesterday I published two pictures from Brooklyn Bridge. Today I publish two pictures taken from Empire State by my friend Francisco Solis Carpenter. I think these pictures are very beautiful. Francisco and I went together to high school long time ago. Now he and his wife are vacation in EE.UU. The last week they visited Quebec and Montreal in Canada. Yesterday they went to Washington D.C. and returned today at night. They will come back to Chile the next weekend. I don’t have doubt that you will like these pictures. Maybe next month my wife, my son and I will go to the Empire State Building because I want take pictures from this place.
I see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

From Brooklyn Bridge

The last Saturday at nigth my friends, my wife, my son and I went to Manhattan. We walked in the Brooklyn Bridge. It was the first time we walked in a bridge in New York. It was very nice because the landscape of New York City at night was spectacular. After, we went to others places in Manhattan but the best landscape was to bridge. Also we taked others pictures from the bridge. These pictures I will publish in the next blogs.
I see you tomorrow.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nacional Day of Chile


Yesterday was celebrated National Day in my country. Throughout the weekend chilean people will have celebrations in Chile. In these festivals people eat typical food, empanadas, anticuchos, asados, curanto, chapaleles, mote con huesillos, etc. In some places they will make a special constructions for people to dance, eat and drink. Today was the military parade. I participated in 1986 and 1987 at the Military Parade when Agusto Pinochet was president. The picture shows to Pinochet at the left side and I'm at the right side of the flag.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Desert of Atacama


In previous blog I wrote about Islands and places in the southern of my country. Now I'm showing you a picture of northern Chile. The Desert of Atacama in Chile is one of the driest deserts in the world. Its scenery is really beautiful. The hills have different colors. In some places there geiser and volcanoes. It is very visited by tourists from different countries. Now I'm going to prepare my homework. Good evening everyone.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A day very heavy.


Yesterday for me was a very heavy day. After of class I went to the writing center. After of the writing center I went to work until 10:30 pm. In the nigth, when I came back to my house were my friends who had arrived from their travel to Canada. We were talking until 2 am. After that time I began started to do my homeworks and I finished them at 3 am. Today in the morning when I got up to 6:30 a.m. I was very tired. Afternoon my friends and I visited Long Beach and we went to shop to DWS. In this store Xavier served us very well. Thank you very much.
Now I need rewrite my homework.
Good Night. I see you tomorrow at 8 am.

Friday, September 12, 2008

9 11 In Chile and EE.UU.

La Moneda House's Government of Chile.
In September 11th is a date of commemoration for Chile and for USA. In September 11th, 1973 in Chile occurred a military coup. In this military coup the president Salvador Allende committed suicide and assumed Agusto Pinochet the government for about 20 years. From that day and the next months and years around 2500 people died. Some bodies are not yet found. Now Chile has a democratic government.
In September 11th, 2001 I was working in my office and I was listening news on the radio when warn about of the first airplane that crashed into the tower. Then I went another room and I watched on the TV when the second airplane crashed into the second tower. Everybody who were watched the TV couldn’t believe what was happening. We thought that this was a movie, and then we thought that this was the attack by another country. When the towers collapsed was something very terrible. All the people of my country were very sad and concerned about what had happened in the USA. When we visited the first time the World Trade Center in February 2006 we had a stranger feeling.
I hope this never happens.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008



In reference of today's topic in class about the president election. In my country in sept. 11th., 1973 the Army, Navy and Police derrocated to the president. It was produced for serius conflicts, a very bad economic and others big problems inside of the country. This new government stayed 18 years. During this time the people doesn't talk about of the politic. In 1991 my country come back to the democraci. Now the Democraci is the sistem of the goverment. For two years ago Chile has a first woman President in its story.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Remember Mountains


Today in class when we were listening to the CD with the woman who climbed to the summit of a mountain. I remember how many times I went to the Andes Mountains in Chile. This Mountains is the longest in the world and has the Aconcagua Mount which is the highest mountain in the American Continent and it is one of the highest in the world. It is only surpassed by the Himalayas Mountains. Aconcagua Mount is estimated that was created about two hundred million years ago. It has an elevation from sea level to 6,962 meters. Unfortunately I never went to the Aconcagua. But when I studied geology in the University I went to a sector of the Andes Mountains called Termas del Flaco. Here you can see perfectly the fosil footprints of two or three dinosaurs. These fosil footprints are more than one hundred million years old.
The first picture is the Termas del Flaco and the second picture is my wife and my son in the Andes Mountains close to the Santiago City.
I hope you enjoy these pictures.
I see you tomorrow.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A day very busy.


Today I can't to go to the class because I will have to go to the doctor (dermatologist). For me today will be a very busy because in the morning I go to the doctor, in the afternoon I go to work and at night I go to JFK airport to find a friend and his wife. They come from Chile on vacation.
My friend and I studied together in high school 30 years ago. I am very happy that they visit us in the U.S. they are also the first visits we received since we arrived here.

I see you next week.

Goodnight my friends.